
GOP/HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE(ACA)/NEW YORK: “President Trump has yet to sign a Republican health care bill, but New York’s attorney general vowed this week to challenge it in court.
The same day, a government watchdog group urged a federal judge to block Trump’s voter fraud commission from gathering sensitive state data.
Environmental groups were busy as well. The latest in a flurry of lawsuits aimed at the new administration protested its extension of fishing privileges in federal waters, which endangers red snapper in the Gulf of Mexico.
From the six-month-old administration’s point of view, it was just another day fighting what Neil Gorsuch — long before he became Trump’s choice for the Supreme Court — called liberals’ ‘overweening addiction to the courtroom as the place to debate social policy.’
But the daily legal battles — from immigration and education to religious freedom and regulatory reform — are threatening to subsume Trump’s policy agenda, if not his presidency. His Feb. 9 vow to ‘SEE YOU IN COURT,’ after one in a series of legal setbacks for his immigrant and refugee travel ban, has proved prophetic in reverse.”

-Richard Wolf, “‘SEE YOU IN COURT:’ Trump’s vow proves prophetic,” USA Today, July 20, 2017 09:00pm