
HOUSE OF REPS/INTELLIGENCE/RUSSIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “House investigators are planning on a round of closed-door interviews with associates of President Donald Trump this summer, promising to bring in a former national security adviser to the campaign, while defending their decision to hear Roger Stone’s testimony in private.
Former Trump national security adviser JD Gordon told CNN that members of the House intelligence committee had planned to speak to him Wednesday [6-28-17], but the classified hearing was abruptly canceled because of a scheduling conflict.
Gordon, who was a member of the Trump campaign’s national security team, told CNN that the committee staff canceled the meeting this week because of a scheduling issue. He added that he is ‘perfectly willing to answer any questions.’
Gordon has said he had just two brief interactions on the same day with Russian ambassador to the US Sergey Kislyak last year during the week of the Republican National Convention — and insisted he’s done nothing wrong. He was also involved in efforts to draft the GOP platform at last year’s RNC. That process has drawn scrutiny because of a dispute among delegates and Trump campaign officials about language regarding US policy on Ukraine. Gordon has said the platform was written in order to align the language with Trump’s public comments and positions.”

-Tom LoBianco and Manu Raju, “House panel looks to bring in Trump associates behind closed doors,” CNN Politics, CNN.com, June 28, 2017 06:38pm