
ANTI-SEMITISM/RACISM/TRUMP FAMILY/IVANKA TRUMP: “On Monday [2-20-17] evening, as word spread of yet more anti-Semitic behavior around the nation, it wasn’t President Donald Trump who was the first to speak out against the threats to regional Jewish Community Centers — it was his daughter, Ivanka Trump.
Like her dad, however, she used Twitter to remind her followers that the United States is a ‘nation built on religious tolerance’ and that it’s important to protect houses of worship.
It isn’t unusual for Ivanka, who, along with her husband Jared Kushner, identifies as an Orthodox Jew, to speak out on such a heartfelt issue. But the President’s daughter has picked up where she left off on the campaign trail — as the softer, gentler side of her father’s gruff demeanor.
Whether handling topics like women in business, as she did when she convened a roundtable with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to help ‘level the playing field’ for female entrepreneurs and working parents, or acting as de facto first lady and accompanying her father on a trip to comfort the family of a fallen soldier, Ivanka has been the humanizing force of the Trump administration.”

Kate Bennett, “Ivanka Trump steps into role behind her father,” CNN Politics, CNN.com, Feb. 22, 2017