
RUSSIA/TREASURY/TRUMP CAMPAIGN: “A Treasury Department statement Thursday [April 15, 2021] offered a potentially significant clue, asserting that Konstantin Kilimnik, a Russian and Ukrainian political consultant, had shared sensitive campaign and polling information with Russian intelligence services. Kilimnik has long been alleged by U.S. officials to have ties to Russian intelligence. But the statement in a […]

Read More… from 4/15/2021


2016 ELECTION/PAUL MANAFORT/RUSSIA INVESTIGATION/TRUMP PEOPLE: “Members of the 2016 Trump campaign represented a major counterintelligence risk to the U.S. due to their frequent contacts with individuals with close ties to the Russian government, a bipartisan Senate investigation has concluded… A substantial portion of the report focuses on the connections of onetime Trump campaign chairman Paul […]

Read More… from 8/18/2020