
CRIME/VENEZUELA: “President Donald Trump dug deep in an exclusive interview with Americano Media…

‘Look at what’s happened to San Francisco generally,’ Trump said, speaking to the uptick in violent crime in American cities. ‘Look at what’s happening in Chicago. It was far worse than Afghanistan, okay? We have Chicago. When I had Afghanistan…18 months we went without one soldier being shot. And you look at what happens in Chicago in one weekend – last weekend was brutal; it was like a warzone.’ …

In his interview with Americano, Trump posited that he had warned American voters that if ‘we don’t straighten this country out’ you’re ‘going to end up – you are literally going to end up with a Venezuela on steroids.'”

-Summer Lane, “‘Venezuela on Steroids’: Trump Warns What Will Happen if We Don’t ‘Straighten This Country Out,’” rsbnetwork.com, October 31, 2022