
CORONAVIRUS/JOE BIDEN: “What I would do, I would pass the Heroes Act. It has all the money and capacity to take care of each of those things, now. Now, not tomorrow. Now.

And the idea the President is still playing golf and not doing anything about it, is beyond my comprehension. You’d at least think he’d want to go off on a positive note, but what is he doing? And there’s virtually no discussion… there’s 22 Republicans say they won’t vote for anything.

Well, there ought to be at least a dozen of them have the courage to stand up and save lives and jobs now. We should be doing it now. Keeping those businesses open, providing the PPE, the protective equipment, as well as the PPP, the money that we allow people to get funding to keep their businesses open, everything from separation, to testing, to a whole range of things that allow businesses to open and stay open.”

-Joe Biden via NBC News, “Biden, Harris Deliver Remarks On The Economy | NBC News,” YouTube.com, Nov. 16, 2020