
VOTE BY MAIL/VOTING: “[W]hat I’m concerned about are all these ballots, because they are sending unsolicited ballots. It could be as many as 80 million throughout the nation…

And they are unsolicited. So when you send out an — that means people are going to get ballots that don’t even know they are getting them. And that takes the enthusiasm away a little bit, because we have this massive — the largest ever, they say, the difference in enthusiasm.

But if people are going to start walking up to your door and saying, do you want to sign this? They’ll say, I don’t want to vote. Well, sign this. OK, I’ll sign it. There is no enthusiasm necessary there. It’s really a corrupt system. And you watch, they have a plan, and the plan is not a good plan.”

-Donald Trump, “Hannity: The latest political smear against President Trump,” foxnews.com, Sep. 9, 2020