
CORONAVIRUS/ECONOMY/TRAVEL BAN: “We created the greatest economy in the history of our country. And then we had to close it up when the China plague [coronavirus] came in. We closed it up. We saved millions of lives. We banned highly-infected China from coming in. It was highly infected. The people were highly infected — Wuhan province. We banned them. Nobody said, ‘Do it.’ Everybody said I shouldn’t do it. Biden said, ‘Don’t do it.’ Three months later, he admitted I was right.

But we banned people; we would have lost hundreds of thousands more. But we would have lost millions if we didn’t close it up. And now we open it up, and we’re setting records at every single level.”

-Donald Trump, “Remarks by President Trump on Environmental Accomplishments for the People of Florida | Jupiter, FL,” whitehouse.gov, Sep. 8, 2020