
GERMANY/NATO/RUSSIA: “When I came along, I said, ‘Wait a minute. We’re protecting Germany from Russia, right?’ NATO. ‘We’re protecting Germany from Russia. Germany is paying Russia billions and billions of dollars to get their energy.’ And the real number is probably 60 to 70 percent, ultimately, of their energy is going to come from Russia. And I said this for years, that nobody talks about it…

And I said, ‘Why is Germany making a deal to give billions of dollars to Russia, and then we’re protecting Germany from Russia? How does that work?’ And then, on top of it, Germany is delinquent because they’re only paying a little more than 1 percent and they’re supposed to be paying 2 percent, and even the 2 percent is low. But just remember: Trump — me — I got the countries of NATO to spend one point — $130 billion, going to $400 billion a year. Think of it: $400 billion a year more for NATO.”

-Donald Trump, “Remarks by President Trump in Press Conference | September 7, 2020,” whitehouse.gov, Sep. 7, 2020