
ENVIRONMENT: “They want to ban straws. Has anybody ever tried those paper straws? They are not working too good. Right? They want to ban straws, I said, well, I’ve had a couple of meals at McDonald’s, et cetera over the years, right? Wendy’s, a friend of mine owns Wendy’s, I’ll give it a plug, right? Burger King.

So they want to ban straws. I said, ‘Oh really? What about the carton? What about the plate? What about the knives and the spoons that are plastic?’ Oh, they’re okay, but the straws we got ban. Has anybody ever tried, seriously, the new straw, it’s made out of paper, right? It disintegrates as you drink and if you have a nice tie like this tie, this would have no chance. By the time you get finished, the straw is totally disintegrated.”

-Donald Trump, “WATCH LIVE: Trump holds rally in Latrobe, Pennsylvania,” YouTube.com, Sep. 3, 2020