
CHILDREN/COVID-19/JOE BIDEN/SENIORS: “I’ve laid out a clear plan for childcare, a clear plan for starting early education as well, so three and four and five year olds are in school. But I’m not President right now. What we should be doing, is we should be providing for more help for people who in fact, are trying to juggle the choice between, do I stay home with my three, four or five-year old and take care of them in the middle of this COVID problem? Or, do I go to work and earn a salary? What do I do?

That’s why we have, I have a major initiative to deal with childcare and eldercare, so people can be adequately paid to come and take care of folks, children, as well as the elderly that you may be taking care of a parent, a husband and wife may be taking care of, as well as making sure that those folks are able to get back to work.”

-Joe Biden as quoted by Rev, “Joe Biden Reopening Schools Press Conference Transcript September 2,” rev.com, Sep. 2, 2020