
CORONAVIRUS/NEW ZEALAND: “While the novel coronavirus continues to surge through the United States, President Trump noted on Monday that other countries have also seen recent rises. Case in point, he told supporters at a Minnesota airport: New Zealand…

New Zealand has seen the virus return this month — but on Monday, it recorded just nine new cases. On Tuesday, 13 more were reported. The United States, where at least 167,000 have now died, has recently averaged around 50,000 new cases each day.

Politicians in New Zealand reacted with anger to Trump’s attempt at contrasting their widely hailed pandemic strategy with the U.S., which has had more than 5.4 million confirmed cases to date.”

-Tim Elfrink, “Trump warns of a ‘big surge’ of coronavirus in New Zealand, which had just recorded nine new cases,” washingtonpost.com, Aug. 18, 2020