
CHILDREN/CORONAVIRUS: [Reporter: “97,000 children tested positive for coronavirus in the last two weeks in July, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. Does that give you any pause about schools reopening for —”]


[Reporter: ” — in-person learning?”]

“No, because they may have, as you would call it, ‘a case.’ It may be a case, but it’s also a case where there’s a tiny — it’s a tiny fraction of death — a tiny fraction — and they get better very quickly.

Yeah, they have — they may have it for a short period of time, but, as you know, the — the seriousness of it, in terms of what it leads to, is — is extraordinarily small. Very, very much less than 1 percent.”

-Donald Trump, “Remarks by President Trump in Press Briefing | August 10, 2020,” whitehouse.gov, Aug. 10, 2020