
CHILDREN/CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19: [Reporter: “From an interview this morning, Mr. President, you were talking about opening the schools and you said children are virtually immune from COVID-19. But children have contracted this virus, and some have died from it.”]

“I’m talking about from getting very sick. If you look at children, I mean, they’re able to throw it [coronavirus] off very easily. It’s an amazing thing. Because some flus, they don’t. They get very sick, and they have problems with flus and they have problems with other things. But for whatever reason, the China virus, children handle it very well. And they may get it, but they get it and it doesn’t have much of an impact on them. If you look at the numbers, the numbers in terms of mortality fatality, the numbers for children under a certain age … meaning young, their immune systems are very, very strong. They’re very powerful. They seem to be able to handle it very well, and that’s according to every statistic.”

-Donald Trump as quoted by Rev, “Donald Trump Coronavirus Press Conference Transcript August 5,” rev.com, Aug. 5, 2020