
CHINA/CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19: “Look, we have been — we have lost 160,000 people [to coronavirus]. We’re going to lose more. We would have lost millions had I just let it ride, as the expression goes. We could have lost millions at the same time. Can you imagine, with all of the death, and now you multiply that number times 10, 15 or even 20? It would have been unsustainable and unacceptable. But this was caused by China. And so it certainly has had a negative impact…

And it’s been such a horrible, horrible thing, when you see everyone walking around now with masks and you see all the death, and you see what’s happened to this country, but really to the world.”

-Donald Trump as quoted by Fox Business, “Trump goes one-on-one with Lou Dobbs | EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW,” YouTube.com, Aug. 4, 2020