
CHINA/CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/EDUCATION/TRAVEL BAN: “We saved millions of lives by doing what we did. By banning China when nobody else wanted me to. We saved hundreds of thousands of lives. We’ve done it right. But now we have to keep open but we have to open up schools, a big part of it. And one thing we’ve learned, if you’re under 18 years old, you’re in very good shape…

But we did the right thing because — I think you would have had two and a half, 3 million people dead right now. We have 135,000 too many. One is too many. It all came out of China. They should have never allowed this to happen. You’re going to see some bad things happening with respect to how this did happen.”

-Donald Trump in a July 14, 2020 interview, “Townhall Exclusive Interview with President Trump,” YouTube.com, July 15, 2020