
CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19: “But we have a mortality rate, think of this, that’s tenfold better than any other. We — what we are doing is incredible, if you look. You have heard the numbers, tenfold. We have fewer people dying. And our people have done an incredible job…

But the testing is just showing up all these cases. And if you turn the news on, you will see it’s always the word cases. They don’t talk about death, because deaths are way down. They talk about cases, all the time, cases. And those cases get better.

They — in most — most cases, in almost — I mean, literally, in most cases, they automatically cure. They automatically get better.”

-Donald Trump as quoted by Fox News, “Trump on violence in liberal cities, ‘brainwashed’ Joe Biden, response to COVID crisis, Supreme Court rulings,” foxnews.com, July 9, 2020