
CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19: “We have multiple effective therapies in use already with more being developed. And you have to see some of them. The results are looking incredible. And we are on track to produce a vaccine in record time and very, very soon. It’s going to be announced, I believe, very, very soon. So we have therapies and we have vaccines. Utilizing these advances and the skill of our doctors and nurses, we have dramatically reduced mortality rates. We have among the lowest mortality rate anywhere in the world.

We’ve done a great job, whether it’s ventilators or anything you want to look at, testing. We test so many people, then we have more cases. Everybody says, ‘We have so many cases.’ That’s because we test so many people.”

-Donald Trump, “Remarks by President Trump at Signing of an Executive Order on the White House Hispanic Prosperity Initiative,” whitehouse.gov, July 9, 2020