
G7/OBAMA/PUTIN/RUSSIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “We have a G7. He’s [Putin] not there. Half of the meeting is devoted to Russia, and if he was there, it’d be much easier to solve. He used to be, it used to be the G8, and Obama got taken over to cleaners. I mean, Obama had his pockets picked, and as you know, Putin did something that he shouldn’t have done because he didn’t respect Obama perhaps, and Obama got upset…

The problem is many of the things that we talk about are about Putin, so we’re just sitting around wasting time because then you have to finish your meeting and somebody has to call Putin or deal with Putin on different things. I say, “Have him in the room. Have him in the room.” It used to be the G8 from a… and I don’t say deserving or non-deserving. I say, common sense. Get things done.”

-Donald Trump as quoted by Rev, “Donald Trump Radio Interview Transcript: Admits Going to Bunker During Protests, But Was for an ‘Inspection’,” rev.com, June 3, 2020: