
IMMIGRATION/JOE BIDEN: “Look, we are a nation of immigrants. Our future rests upon the Latino community being fully integrated. Twenty-four out of every 100 children in school today from kindergarten through high school is a Latino. Right now, today. The idea that any American thinks it doesn’t pay for us to significantly invest in their future is absolutely a bizarre notion, because if we do not invest, everything that the very wealthy are concerned about and the xenophobes are concerned about will, in fact, get worse, not better.

We should be embracing, bringing them in, just like what happened with the Irish immigrants after the famine, just what happened with the Italians, et cetera. We have been through this before. Xenophobia is a disease.”

-Joe Biden as quoted by CNN, “CNN Democration Presidential Primary Debate. Aired 8-10p ET,” cnn.com, Mar. 15, 2020