
HEALTHCARE/NEVADA/OBAMACARE(ACA)/PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS/RALLY/SUPREME COURT: “We’re protecting people with preexisting conditions and we always will. That’s why if we are successful, you don’t want the Supreme Court to try and get rid of this, the caucus. It’s a caucus known as Obamacare, but we’re running it much better than they did. Remember when they had, this was the greatest, the $5 billion website, right? 5 billion. It was supposed to cost 5 million…

Okay. It was going to cost 50. It was going to cost five. It was going to cost 50. Then it was going to .. What was the final number? Five hundreds. The number that they spent, $5 billion. Right? It still doesn’t work. They spent $5 billion. Right? And they spent $500 million on all of the problems it caused and we’ve really straightened it out, but it’s still lousy healthcare, Obamacare. And it’s really not Obamacare anymore because when you get rid of the individual mandate, it’s no longer Obamacare but we’re going to terminate it. We’re going to give you your preexisting a hundred per- otherwise I won’t do it. We’re going to give you brand new preexisting and we’re going to have a great healthcare that’s much less expensive.”

-Donald Trump as quoted by Rev, “Donald Trump Las Vegas, Nevada Rally Transcript,” rev.com, February 21, 2020