
HEALTHCARE/JOE BIDEN/OBAMACARE (ACA): “Obamacare protected more than 100 million people with preexisting conditions, and brought peace of mind to 20 million Americans who had been forced to face life without health insurance. We made it illegal for insurers to put caps on essential health benefits, and made it possible for young people to stay on their parents’ plans until they turn 26.

In doing so, we declared as a nation that health care is more than just a luxury reserved for those who can afford it. It’s a right we all deserve – one that is central to our dignity, and to who we want to be as a country. That’s why I oppose every effort – by Republicans or Democrats – to undo the progress we made with Obamacare.”

-Joe Biden, “Joe Biden: My plan on health care,” concordmonitor.com, Dec. 29, 2019