
HEALTHCARE/JOE BIDEN/OBAMACARE (ACA): “I believe the plan I have proposed, which is building on Obamacare and providing a public option that is available for anyone, significantly reducing the cost of getting in the exchanges — my plan costs $750 billion, would immediately cover everybody — everybody in America, allow you to keep your private plan if you wanted it, if you wanted it.

The thing that Bernie’s plan does is that you either have to have his plan or no plan, period, nothing. You cannot choose. A lot of these people have gone out and they’ve negotiated with their employers a significant health care plan that they’ve given up salaries for, they’ve given up part of their income for, and they like it. They should be entitled to choose to keep it if they wish.”

-Joe Biden, “Former VP and Presidential Candidate Joe Biden Speaks at a Town Hall,” cnn.com, Nov. 11, 2019