AGRICULTURE/CHINA/TRADE WAR/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE: “Peppered with complaints from farmers fed up with President Trump’s trade war, Sonny Perdue found his patience wearing thin. Mr. Perdue, the agriculture secretary and the guest of honor at the annual Farmfest gathering in southern Minnesota this month, tried to break the ice with a joke. ‘What do you call two farmers in a basement?’ Mr. Perdue asked near the end of a testy hourlong town-hall-style event. ‘A whine cellar.’ A cascade of boos ricocheted around the room. American farmers have become collateral damage in a trade war that Mr. Trump began to help manufacturers and other companies that he believes have been hurt by China’s ‘unfair’ trade practices. More than a year into the trade dispute, sales of American soybeans, pork, wheat and other agricultural products to China have dried up as Beijing retaliates against Mr. Trump’s tariffs on Chinese imports. Lucrative contracts that farmers long relied on for a significant source of income have evaporated, with Chinese buyers looking to other nations like Brazil and Canada to get the commodities they need.”
–Alan Rappeport, “Farmers’ Frustration With Trump Grows as U.S. Escalates China Fight,” The New York Times online, August 27, 2019