
ECONOMY/TAXES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump on Wednesday [8-21-19] backed off his public support for a payroll tax cut or a reduction in capital gains taxes, just 24 hours after saying he would ‘love to do something’ on both fronts…White House officials in recent days have been discussing a broad package of measures to reduce the risk of an election year recession. The proposals include a cut of 1 or 2 percentage points in the corporate tax rate, a payroll tax cut and a move to index capital gains to inflation, which potentially could be done through an executive order. But on Wednesday, Trump insisted such moves are not on the table, saying he thinks the U.S. ecocomy is strong and that indexing capital gains is ‘not something I love’ because it would be perceived as only for the rich.”

Shawna Chen, “Trump reverses himself on tax cut ideas,” Politico, August 21, 2019 1:40 pm