
DEMS/HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE (ACA)/PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS/RALLY: ” If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, 28 times, a total lie. My administration is defending your sacred right to choose the doctor and the plan that you want, and we are offering plans up to 60% cheaper than Obamacare, and a lot of people are starting to figure that out. Better healthcare. And we’ll also always protect… You have to remember this, you ready, because they give us a bum rap. Patients with preexisting conditions are protected by Republicans much more so than protected by Democrats who will never be able to pull it off.

Preexisting conditions, and you know, the job we’ve done on healthcare, it’s not talked about, but we’re also doing something. It’s been phenomenal, we have 180 million people right now really happy on private plans, and you know what, they’re going to be taken away. Under the Democrats plan all of those people that are thrilled where they went out and negotiated cross state lines, all of the things they did, they went out, negotiated great private plans, it’s all going to be taken away from you under this plan.”

-Donald Trump as quoted by Rev, “Donald Trump Speech Transcript at Greenville, North Carolina Rally ‘MAGA’ Event,” rev.com, July 17, 2019