
GOP/NOMINATIONS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE: “Republicans expressed relief on Tuesday [6-18-19] when President Donald Trump announced Mark Esper, who currently serves as Secretary of the Army, would be the new acting Secretary of Defense after the dramatic implosion of Patrick Shanahan’s nomination. Esper is replacing Shanahan to lead the largest agency in the federal government as the administration faces multiple foreign policy challenges across the globe. In multiple interviews and press availabilities, GOP lawmakers, aides, and defense experts voiced confidence in Esper, calling him ‘solid’ and ‘qualified.’ Though his seven years working for the Defense contractor Raytheon and his role helping to implement some of Trump’s more controversial policies are likely to come under scrutiny from Democrats, Republicans are so far pleased with the Esper pick. The announcement came after a gut check by the President, who called allies around Washington Tuesday morning to confirm they approved of Esper before making the announcement about the pick and Shanahan’s withdrawal on Twitter, according to two sources close to the administration.”

Michael Warren, “Trump’s pick for acting Pentagon chief soothes GOP concerns,” CNN Politics, CNN.com, June 19, 2019 4:53 pm