
GOP/HEALTHCARE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Here we go again. President Donald Trump is calling on Republicans to be the party of health care. But that’s not going to be so easy to do since it requires them to have a plan…While the party hasn’t coalesced behind a health care plan, there are policies that Republicans have long supported. Yet some Republican think tanks, particularly the influential Heritage Foundation, are looking to drum up interest on Capitol Hill in their ideas to overhaul the health care system. Some are still pushing a version of a 2017 bill from Sens. Lindsay Graham of South Carolina and Bill Cassidy of Louisiana to replace the Affordable Care Act. The senators unveiled the legislation just before the GOP repeal effort collapsed for good in 2017. It would turn the federal funding for Medicaid expansion and Obamacare’s subsidies for premiums and out-of-pocket costs into a block grant program. States would receive a lump sum of money and would have a lot of leeway over how to spend it.”

Tami Luhby, “Here’s what the GOP plans for health care look like,” CNN Politics, CNN.com, March 28, 2019 3:48 am