
BORDER/GOP/SENATE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The U.S. Senate appeared poised to pass a proposal to terminate President Donald Trump’s declaration of an emergency at the southern border, despite his threat to veto the measure and heavy lobbying of his fellow Republicans. Republican Senator Mike Lee, who had been shopping a second bill that would keep the emergency declaration in effect temporarily, said on Wednesday [3-13-19] the White House had said Trump would not support his proposal, so he would be voting on Thursday [3-14-19] to end the emergency declaration…The Utah lawmaker was the fifth Republican senator to say they back a measure passed by the Democratic-led House of Representatives to terminate Trump’s declaration. In the 100-seat Senate, votes from at least four Republicans are needed to pass the measure, along with all 45 Democrats and two independents.”

Reuters, “Senate Republican Delivers Blow to Trump Border Emergency,” The New York Times online, March 13, 2019