
ELECTION/ELIZABETH WARREN/NATIVE AMERICANS/RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “When Senator Elizabeth Warren formally announced her 2020 presidential bid this weekend, President Trump responded with a familiar line of attack. He mocked Ms. Warren, Democrat of Massachusetts, for her claims to Native American ancestry, again calling her by the slur ‘Pocahontas.’ Mr. Trump then appeared to refer to the Trail of Tears, the infamously cruel forced relocation of Native Americans in the 19th century that caused thousands of deaths…The comments drew immediate blowback on social media, with accusations that the president was making light of one of the worst tragedies Native Americans have experienced. Mr. Trump previously invoked the Wounded Knee massacre, one of the deadliest attacks on Native American people by the United States military, in another jab at Ms. Warren.”

Sarah Mervosh, “Trump Mocks Warren With Apparent Reference to Trail of Tears, Which Killed Thousands,” The New York Times online, February 10, 2019