
BORDER/ELECTION/IMMIGRATION/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump on Friday [11-16-18] night returned to the issue of the migrant caravan, a topic he placed intense focus on before the midterm elections but since then has remained largely silent about. Before Friday night, Trump had not written about the caravan on Twitter since before the midterm elections. At that time, his claims about the group of Central American migrants, some of whom said that they planned to seek asylum in the U.S., drew the attention of a number of fact checkers, especially to an ad Trump’s reelection campaign released that eventually every cable news network, including Fox News, refused to air. Journalists and pundits had noted how silent the president had been about the topic he called one of the key points of the elections — with CNN going so far as to use a chyron with the word ‘Caravanished.’”

Brent D. Griffiths, “Trump returns to the migrant caravan after post-election lull,” Politico, November 16, 2018 9:06 pm