
DEMS/ELECTION/GOP/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE: “They were the states that broke Democratic hearts the last time — and the ones where any political comeback would have to begin. So how did the Democrats do on Tuesday [11-6-18] in 2016 Trump country? They won. They also lost. And both experiences are instructive for the party’s future. This year, The New York Times focused on seven states where Democrats hoped to dig out after losses two years ago. Some were traditionally blue areas, like Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Some were clear reaches, like Texas and Tennessee…Even after the president’s victory, Pennsylvania Democrats seemed well positioned to win re-election in contests for governor and the Senate, with relatively popular incumbents (Gov. Tom Wolf and Senator Bob Casey) and weak opponents. And win they did, easily.”

Matt Flegenheimer, “How Did the Democrats Do on Tuesday in 2016 Trump Country?,” The New York Times online, November 9, 2018