
DEMS/ELECTION/HOUSE OF REPS/MEDIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Tuesday’s [11-6-18] Democratic victory for control of the House shouldn’t come as a surprise, given that many of these felled GOP candidates were in Hillary Clinton-won districts, and President Donald Trump lost the popular vote in 2016. But the Republican Senate gains and strong Florida and Georgia gubernatorial showings ran counter to the mainstream media bubble’s narrative; elite media would be wise to self-reflect. America is now at a juncture: will a divided Congress collapse into a vitriolic abyss of presidential House impeachment (and subsequent Senate acquittal), endless House Russia conspiracy theories, subpoenas and baseless investigations? Or will Democrats and Republicans work together to fight the opioid crisis, rein in our deficit and reform our education and criminal justice systems? If House Democrats choose the former, they will weary the American people and face a similar electoral outcome in 2020 to that of congressional Republicans in 2000 — losses in both houses — after they impeached President Bill Clinton. Americans signaled tonight they want a bipartisan Congress, not a polarized one.”

CNN Staff, “Who really won?,” CNN Politics, CNN.com, November 7, 2018 2:29 am