
DEMS/ELECTION/INTELLIGENCE/RUSSIA/TRUMP BUSINESS: “If Democrats take back the House, the Intelligence Committee will investigate questions involving Russian money laundering and President Donald Trump’s businesses, Rep. Adam Schiff of California said on Tuesday [10-23-18]. Schiff, the top Democrat on the intelligence panel, told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on ‘The Situation Room’ that Russian money laundering is one area he wants to probe tied to Russia’s 2016 election interference. Schiff said it’s one issue where he didn’t know whether special counsel Robert Mueller had been given authority to look into the matter…Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee ended their Russia investigation in March, concluding they had found no evidence of collusion between Trump’s team and Russia. But Democrats accused Republicans of failing to conduct a thorough investigation, and Schiff has signaled he would reopen the probe if Democrats controlled the committee. Democrats on the committee have continued to interview a handful of witnesses without Republicans over the past six months.”

Sophie Tatum and Jeremy Herb, “Schiff: House Intel will ramp up probe of Trump’s Russia ties if Dems take the House,” CNN Politics, CNN.com, October 23, 2018 7:21 pm