
IMMIGRATION/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “A caravan of about 2,000 Honduran migrants has resumed its northward march with hopes of reaching the U.S. border. After sleeping on the ground in their clothes, the migrants were up shortly after dawn Tuesday [10-16-18] in the Guatemalan city of Esquipulas. Dozens attended Mass at the local Roman Catholic basilica to receive a blessing. Feet swollen and aching, they continued the journey escorted by Guatemalan police. Sixteen-year-old Karla Maldonado said she joined her cousin in the caravan to seek a better life. Twenty-year-old Carlos Reyes said he was fleeing after men tried to kill him a week ago for being gay. Earlier Tuesday, U.S. President Donald Trump threatened to cut aid to Honduras if it doesn’t stop the caravan.”

The Associated Press, “The Latest: Migrant Caravan on the March Again in Guatemala,” The New York Times online, October 16, 2018 9:40 am