
ARIZONA/DHS/ICE/IMMIGRATION/NGO/TRUMP PEOPLE: “Immigration and Customs Enforcement has ended its practice of coordinating plans for undocumented immigrant families, including asylum-seekers, in Arizona that are released from custody but still awaiting a court hearing on their request. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, who oversees ICE, told senators Wednesday [10-10-18] that the ‘vast’ increase in families crossing the border has put strain on the department’s resources. She acknowledged the change in Arizona, saying that when DHS can’t keep families in a facility ‘long enough to have that conversation’ the department tries to work with the local community of non-governmental organizations to receive families as they come out of government care…Prior to Sunday [10-7-18], the agency carried out reviews that included confirming bus routes, coordinating with NGOs, communicating with family members and ensuring that families had a means to reach a final destination within the United States before release from custody, according to ICE. This change could create the need for more non-governmental support as families continue to be released without a reviewed travel and communications plan.”

Geneva Sands, “ICE ending practice of coordinating release plans for undocumented families in Arizona,” CNN Politics, CNN.com, October 10, 2018 11:00 pm