
BRETT KAVANAUGH/FBI/HEARING/SUPREME COURT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The country just witnessed a charade in the confirmation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh to the US Supreme Court. I’m not talking about the dramatic hearings nor the stream of serious allegations and full-throated defense to rebut them. Instead, I’m referring to efforts by the White House to manipulate the American people into believing the FBI’s supplemental background investigation of Kavanaugh was comprehensive in nature and free from outside influence. The administration’s convenient, newfound confidence in the FBI was also a sight to behold. The remarkable orchestration was successful in two key areas: The puppet masters overseeing the FBI’s work were able to convince a large segment of society that the bureau had ‘free rein’ in digging into the judge’s past, while also benefiting from the often blurred distinction between an FBI criminal investigation and a background investigation of a White House nominee. In criminal cases, the bureau has wide latitude to utilize an array of investigative tools in order to ferret out violations of federal law. These investigations are conducted independent of meddling politicians and go wherever the facts lead.”

Josh Campbell, “The Kavanaugh investigation was a charade,” CNN Politics, CNN.com, October 8, 2018 11:59 pm