MIKE POMPEO/NATIONAL SECURITY/NORTH KOREA/SANCTIONS/SUMMIT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Thursday [9-27-18] that the world is at ‘the dawn of a new day’ in confronting the threat posed by North Korea’s weapons programs but that sanctions against the country must continue for now. In a speech before the United Nations Security Council, Mr. Pompeo said President Trump’s summit meeting in Singapore with North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, had laid the groundwork for the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. But he told the council that until that process is complete, the world must abide by the economic sanctions still in place against the government in Pyongyang…Mr. Pompeo was leading the meeting of the 15-member council during the United Nations General Assembly meeting. On Wednesday, he met with his North Korean counterpart, Ri Yong-ho. Next month he will travel to Pyongyang, in part to set the stage for a second meeting between Mr. Trump and Mr. Kim. In his speech, Mr. Pompeo said special attention needed to be paid to strict limits on North Korea’s imports of oil, ending its exports of coal and curbing its practice of sending workers to other countries as a means of earning hard currency.”
–Gardiner Harris, “Pompeo Hails Talks With North Korea but Says Sanctions Must Continue,” The New York Times online, September 27, 2018