
GARY COHN/MEDIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Former White House staff secretary Rob Porter on Tuesday [9-11-18] accused journalist Bob Woodward of presenting a ‘selective and often misleading portrait’ of the Trump presidency in his new book, ‘Fear,’ while also heaping praise on President Donald Trump. Porter, who departed the administration in February after his ex-wives leveled allegations of domestic abuse against the influential West Wing aide, took particular issue with reports in Woodward’s book that National Economic Council director Gary Cohn and other senior White House officials removed documents from the Resolute Desk without Trump’s knowledge…Porter also suggested that his role transmitting various government papers and staffers’ opinions to the president did not constitute a superseding of Trump’s authority — the type outlined last week in a New York TImes op-ed by an anonymous senior administration official who claimed “a quiet resistance” was working against Trump from within the executive branch…Sources familiar with Trump’s thinking have told POLITICO that he’s livid at Cohn and Porter, believing they leaked to Woodward, even though Trump has publicly slammed the book as a work of ‘fiction.'”

Quint Gorgey, “Former White House staff secretary Rob Porter slams Woodward, heaps praise on Trump,” Politico, September 11, 2018 1:56 pm