
DEFENSE/HOLIDAY/MILITARY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The Department of Defense says the military parade originally scheduled for Veterans Day will be postponed…The parade was scheduled for the day before the 100th anniversary of the armistice that ended the First World War. French President Emmanuel Macron is holding a gathering of world leaders in Paris on November 11 to celebrate the anniversary. President Donald Trump said in February that a military parade in Washington would be ‘great for the spirit of the country,’ but that it would need to come at a ‘reasonable cost.’ The President said he was inspired by the Bastille Day parade in France, which he described as ‘quite something’ after attending in 2017. CNN previously reported that the parade would focus on celebrating veterans and involve US troops in period uniforms as well as US military aircraft but no heavy vehicles like tanks in order to prevent damage to infrastructure. An administration official told CNN the $92 million figure for the US military parade, which was first reported by CNBC, was a planning estimate for an event that would meet President Donald Trump’s intent. About half that amount would have been for non-military costs like security. The White House would have been consulted on the decision to postpone the parade, the official said. Another official told CNN the Defense Department statement had been coordinated with the White House.”

Barbara Starr, Ryan Browne and Clare Foran, “Pentagon postpones Trump’s military parade,” CNN Politics, CNN.com, August 16, 2018 9:29 pm