
RUSSIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “More than a week later, the White House has still not corrected a key omission in its official transcript of President Donald Trump’s news conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The White House’s official transcript of the news conference omits the first part of a reporter’s question to Putin: ‘President Putin, did you want President Trump to win the election?’ Instead, the official transcript only includes the second part of the question: ‘And did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?’ The omission appears to be due to an issue with an overlap between simultaneous translation of Putin’s remarks and the first part of the reporter’s question to Putin in the audio feed the stenographers rely on. Private transcription services also made the same error. White House transcripts, which are considered the official record of the President’s comments, are compiled by White House stenographers who are career officials, not political appointees. But while the White House has previously corrected errors in the transcripts that historians and reporters rely on, it has yet to do so this time even though officials are aware of the omission.”

-Abby Phillip and Jeremy Diamond, “White House fails to address omission in Trump-Putin transcript,” CNN Politics, CNN.com, July 25, 2018 11:58 am