
MELANIA/TRUMP FAMILY: “President Donald Trump’s wife, Melania Trump, will skip this week’s G7 summit in Quebec and does not plan to attend the planned June 12 summit in Singapore with North Korea, the White House said on Sunday. Melania Trump attended the G7 meeting in Italy last year. The U.S. first lady, 48, has not been seen in public since May 10 when she and the president welcomed home three Americans who had been held prisoner in North Korea. She underwent a surgical procedure on May 14 to treat a benign kidney condition and was released from the hospital on May 19…The White House said late on Sunday [6-3-18] that the president and first lady would host a reception on Monday [6-4-18] evening for the families of service members killed in the line of duty. The reception is not open to the press, the White House added.”

-Reuters Staff, “U.S. first lady Melania Trump to skip G7, North Korea summit,” Reuters, June 4, 2018 5:36 pm