
LEGAL/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/WOMEN: “President Donald Trump, the man who has come to love holding court on television and relished the art of the photo op, has remained out of sight for much of this week as allegations about a sexual relationship with a porn star play out on national television. Trump has not held a public event at the White House at all this week and spent Saturday [3-24-18] and Sunday [3-25-18] at his private club in Mar-a-Lago behind closed doors or inside the protected confines of his golf course. This means that although he’s been active on Twitter, he hasn’t had to face reporters’ questions about the ongoing saga playing out on cable news. Trump’s first 15 months in office have been in part defined by his frequent on-camera events inside the White House, with the President sometimes allowing extensive media access to meetings and debates even to the surprise of his guests. But over the last three workdays, the White House has instead held a series of closed meetings.”

-Dan Merica, Trump steps back from the spotlight amid storm of allegations,” CNN Politics, CNN.com, Mar. 28, 2018, 2:04pm