FOREIGN POLICY/INDIA/TRUMP BUSINESS/TRUMP FAMILY/DONALD JR: “Donald Trump Jr. praised the ‘spirit’ of the ‘poorest of the poor’ in India during a business trip there to sell luxury condos…
The President’s eldest son arrived in India Tuesday. During his trip, he will dine with buyers of the Trump-branded apartments in at least two cities, and his visit was heralded by a series of front-page ads in two of the country’s biggest newspapers.
In the interview, Trump Jr. said he recognized that ‘there are hardships’ among India’s poorest people, but said that their seemingly positive attitude was an indicator of the ‘future potential’ of the country.
According to a World Bank report released in 2016, India was ‘by far’ the country with the highest number of people living in poverty. The report noted that one in three lived below the $1.90-a-day poverty line, based on data from 2013.”
-Jennifer Hansler, “Donald Trump Jr. praises ‘spirit’ of India’s poor and likes that they ‘smile’,” CNN Politics,, Feb. 21, 2018 08:49am