
CHINA/FOREIGN POLICY/REX TILLERSON/RUSSIA/STATE: “Secretary of State Rex Tillerson criticized Chinese and Russian attempts to expand footholds in Latin America as the chief U.S. diplomat prepared to embark Thursday on a visit to the region… Mr. Tillerson took particular aim at China and criticized what he described as Beijing’s unfair trading practices…
China is the largest trading partner of Chile, Argentina, Brazil and Peru, Mr. Tillerson said. His trip will include stops in both Argentina and Peru, along with Mexico, Colombia and Jamaica… Mr. Tillerson also had tough words for Moscow, saying Russia’s growing presence in the region is ‘alarming as well.’… Russian and Chinese officials didn’t respond to requests for comment.
The Wall Street Journal reported this week that Russia under President Vladimir Putin has revitalized ties to Latin America.
Mr. Tillerson, marking a year on the job Thursday, also suggested that Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro could be ousted by the military there. But he said the Trump administration isn’t promoting regime change there and that it would be ‘easiest’ if Mr. Maduro decided to leave on his own.”

-Felicia Schwartz, “Tillerson Raps Russia, China as ‘Imperial Powers’ in Latin America,” The Wall Street Journal online, Feb. 1, 2018 05:58pm