
TAXES/TRUMP FAMILY/IVANKA: “After months of meetings behind closed doors on Capitol Hill, Ivanka Trump took the podium Wednesday [10-25-17] in the Capitol’s Lyndon Baines Johnson Room to make a public pitch on tax reform, which she called ‘critically important.’
‘Today, the vast majority of American homes are dual income. Our tax code has to recognize and support this reality and support our dual values of work and a family,’ she said at a news conference, citing statistics on the rising costs of childcare…
She left before the question-and-answer portion of the news conference.
Earlier this week, Trump took her pitch on the road, speaking about expansion of the child tax credit at a town hall in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. She spent the summer and early fall meeting with lawmakers and advocacy groups on the subject, and recently hosted a bipartisan dinner at her home with husband and senior White House adviser Jared Kushner on the topic.
The child tax credit proposal, which will have to go through the House Ways and Means Committee as part of the overall tax reform plan, would provide working families with approximately $2,000 per child and would be refundable against the payroll tax.”

-Betsy Klein, “Ivanka Trump makes a Capitol Hill pitch on tax reform,” CNN Politics, CNN.com, Oct. 25, 2017 07:03pm