
GOP/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Sen. John McCain took aim at nationalist, isolationist rhetoric that has swept through the Republican party and secured a toehold in the White House, in remarks Monday [10-16-17] night accepting an award honoring his fight for liberty around the world.
‘To fear the world we have organized and led for three-quarters of a century, to abandon the ideals we have advanced around the globe, to refuse the obligations of international leadership and our duty to remain *the last best hope of earth* for the sake of some half-baked, spurious nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems is as unpatriotic as an attachment to any other tired dogma of the past that Americans consigned to the ash heap of history,’ the Arizona Republican told hundreds who gathered and applauded outside the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia.
It marked a rebuttal of sorts to President Donald Trump, who just hours earlier had painted a picture of a nation on the losing end of international negotiations.
‘I’m tired of being taken advantage of as a nation,’ Mr. Trump said at a cabinet meeting in Washington. ‘This nation has been taken advantage of for many, many years — for many decades, frankly — and I’m tired of watching it.’
In Philadelphia, Mr. McCain emphasized the benefits that arise from America’s willingness to engage with the world.”

-Siobhan Hughes, “John McCain Rebuts ‘Half-Baked, Spurious Nationalism’,” The Wall Street Journal online, Oct. 17, 2017 09:17am