
AIR FORCE/RACISM: “When someone left racist slurs on the message boards of five black cadet candidates at the Air Force Academy Preparatory School, the academy’s superintendent didn’t even try to suppress his outrage.
In a video making the rounds on social media and posted to the Air Force Academy’s Facebook page, Lt. Gen. Jay Silveria ordered his cadets to line up and pull out their phones.
‘If you can’t treat someone from another gender, whether that’s a man or a woman, with dignity and respect, then you need to get out,’ he said. ‘If you demean someone in any way, then you need to get out. And if you can’t treat someone from another race or different color skin with dignity and respect, then you need to get out.’
The racist slurs, discovered earlier this week, were written in black marker and said ‘Go home’ with the N-word, according to CNN affiliate KRDO.
‘If you’re outraged by those words, then you’re in the right place. That kind of behavior has no place at the Prep School,’ Silveria said.
The Air Force Academy said it’s investigating and that whoever is responsible will be held accountable. The Prep School, on the same campus in Colorado Springs, Colorado, as the academy, helps ready about 240 cadets each year to enter the academy.”

-Eric Levenson, “The powerful message the Air Force Academy’s superintendent wanted to send loud and clear,” CNN Politics, CNN.com, Sept. 29, 2017 10:56am