
HOUSE OF REPS/POLITICS: “While Georgia’s House special election Tuesday [6-20-17] is a test of whether Republicans will cross party lines to support a Democrat, another contest the same day in South Carolina aims to measure a different proposition: Can a white Democrat drive enough black voter turnout to score an upset.
The race is to replace former Rep. Mick Mulvaney, who President Donald Trump tapped to serve as his budget director. Archie Parnell, a former Goldman Sachs executive, is running on the Democratic ticket against Republican Ralph Norman, who narrowly advanced from a GOP primary race.
With Mr. Trump’s approval ratings at historic lows and Democrats showing double-digit gains in turnout during two prior unsuccessful House special elections, South Carolina Democrats have spent recent weeks trying to build a machine to turn out the district’s African-American voters.”

-Reid Epstein, “Democrats Seek Upset in South Carolina Special Election,” The Wall Street Journal online, June 19, 2017, 07:00am