
HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE(ACA)/POLITICS: “Senate Republicans return to the daunting task this week of crafting a bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act — but both in private and in public, senators and their aides are expressing little sign of progress or reason for confidence that they can make good on their campaign promise.
Behind the scenes, aides say a so-called ‘working group’ is so far nowhere near reaching a consensus, as moderates and conservatives remain divided over whether to gut key Obamacare regulations and how to structure Medicaid.
The group of lawmakers is set to meet again Tuesday [6-6-17] and Thursday to air and hash out differences, with leadership and key committee chairs taking the lead on drafting the legislative text. And the entire Republican conference is set to be briefed on a menu of options for how to move forward during their all-member lunch Tuesday.
But senators are openly questioning whether a broad health care bill can come out of the upper chamber this year.”

-MJ Lee, Lauren Fox, Ted Barrett, “Senate Republicans cast doubt on comprehensive health care bill,” CNN Politics, CNN.com, June 5, 2017 03:47pm